google-site-verification: google4967ec131b2b1bee.html Dress as u want !: How To Improve Your Skin Tone And Look Younger In Less Than 60 Minutes

Saturday, April 27, 2019

How To Improve Your Skin Tone And Look Younger In Less Than 60 Minutes  You don't need salon treatment just do it yourself!  You don't need salon treatment just do it yourself!
Skin care is something we all try to do every day. We use face creams, toners and all the new brands to try to improve our skin. But there are a few things that you need to know about how your skin works.
For starters, the more cream that you apply to your face, the saggier it gets. The moisturiser liquids are not so bad, its the thick face creams that are the problem.
The skin on our face is actually attached to the muscles underneath. In other parts of the body, the muscles slide underneath the skin, but on the face the muscles actually help to keep the skin tight.
As we use creams, especially thick face cream at night, it tends to make it sag a bit like soaking a sponge with water.
To make our facial skin look better we need to change our beauty routine.
How many of us actually really scrub our faces before we go to bed and in the morning? I know we all take showers or have a bath, but not many people actually give themselves a real facial scrub every day.
This is just for starters. To make our faces spring back up instead of letting gravity pull down the skin, there are a few things we should do.
I recently went and had a facial at a salon. I had never ever tried it before, so it was all knew to me. The point was, apart from feeling totally relaxed for an hour, it opened my eyes to what I was doing wrong.
Of course we can't all afford beauty salon treatment. This was a one of for me, because of the cost, but it did show me a few things that I decided to try at home. And guess what? It really worked!

Home Facial Kit Made From Things Around The House

Most people believe that to have great skin we need to use expensive moisturisers or face creams. Its actually been clinically proved that all the expensive stuff we put on our faces are only as good as the cheaper ones.
Even the adverts on TV these days have added a small get out of trouble line at the bottom of the screen. It states:'This cream will have a temporary effect'. Don't get me wrong, some of the face creams really do make a difference. I have been using the same one for years and its great.
But like an artist painting a picture, you have to have a clean canvas.

Gorgeous warm face pack!
Gorgeous warm face pack!

Home Face Lift

You don't need to buy expensive home facial kits. Everything you need you can find around the home.
If you do this at least once a week you are going to notice one heck of a difference.
First of all get all of the ingredients together and head for the bathroom. You will need:
  • Salt
  • 2 Flannels
  • Chair
  • Towels
  • Sugar and Spice facial mask
  • Light moisturiser
  • Hot water
  • Cold water
  • Facial steamer or hot water and towel
  • Cucumber
  • Glass or bottle of water
Give that skin a scrub!
Give that skin a scrub!
First of all wipe of all your make up. Then really give your face a good clean. Most people think that soap is a swear word when cleaning your face. This is just a fallacy.
Soap is one of the best things to make your skin tighter. But that's not what its for to start with. Using soap will really give your face a good cleansing. It takes of excess oil that cleansers leave behind.
Turn on the taps in your bath or sink. We need lots of steam. Not just to steam your face but to circulate around the room.
Now, get a flannel and dunk it into hot water. As hot as you can put up with. Add a dollop of salt to the flannel.
Start scrubbing your face in circular motions. Don't drag the skin because it will start to make it wrinkle and you could scrub too hard. We don't want cuts and bruises!
Just keep scrubbing all the way around, including your neck region. You will feel your skin begin to tingle, this is great, but if it starts to smart then you are using to much pressure.
Don't forget the eye area. Just be really gentle. The skin around your eyes will probably be the most caked with makeup. So it's a good idea to use the salt on the area, just take it easy.
Put on that face pack!
Put on that face pack!
After you have finished to salt scrub, rinse the flannel and soak it once again with the hot water. Sit down on the chair as near to the steam as possible, but don't lean over it. Put your head back and place the flannel over your face. Then relax. Try to keep it in place for at least ten minutes, topping up the hot water intermittently .
After ten minutes, take the flannel away and open the sugar and spice face mask. I chose that one because its scrummy delicious! When you first apply it, it takes you by surprise because its hot! Somehow putting it on damp skin makes it warm up and your face feels divine when its rubbed in. Or use any face mask that you feel comfortable with.
Sit back in the chair and leave it on for another ten minutes. The warmth of the mask will bring the blood up to your face and you will feel a lovely warm tingle to your skin.

relaxing cucumber eye pads!
relaxing cucumber eye pads!
When the time is up, rinse your face with warm water. Then comes the steam. Place your head over a steaming basin until your skin starts to drip with sweat. This is bringing out all the impurities and cleansing off the last of the masks residue. When you have finished, turn off the taps, and open a window.
Take the other flannel and soak it in cold water. The colder the better. Then place it over your face and take a seat for a few minutes. If you have any cucumber, now is the time to apply it to your eye area, underneath the flannel.
Cucumber is a great astringent, it closes the pores, and helps to get rid of bags under the eyes. Stay there for as long as you feel comfortable.

Nearly There! Time for the New You!

Now for a massage. Remove the flannel and splash cold water on your face. The heat and cold of the water is stimulating your facial skin bringing blood to the surface. That alone will make you look rosy red and younger.
Now for the light moisturiser. Don't use thick cream as this isn't meant to moisturise your skin, but to just make sure you don't pull on your skin when doing the next stage.
Apply the moisturiser to your finger tips and start to massage around your face. Do this in circular motions once again so as not to pull the skin. Massage deeply but not for too long. Just circle each area with your fingers, pushing upwards as you apply the lotion.
Gently pat around the eye area, as this is the most sensitive part of your face. Don't forget your lips. 
Now its time to relax for a few minutes. Drink as much water as you can at this stage as the massage will have released impurities into your system. Drinking the water will rehydrate you and your skin, and clean out the dirty stuff left behind.
Sit back, and once again place a warm flannel over your face. Take your time, as by now you are going to be quite relaxed. You will probably want to fall asleep by now, that's what normally happens to me at this stage. Your face will feel fantastic.
After ten minutes, change flannels and use the ice cold water flannel again. Just for a few minutes. This is to close the pores, tighten up the skin and make it ready for the moisturiser.
To finish, splash with cold water. Try to get it as cold as possible.
Did you know?
Paul Newman soaked his face in freezing water every day to keep wrinkles at bay! He did this into his eighties, And it worked!
Now for the moisturiser. Your skin will feel terrific after all this hard work. You won't need a thick face cream because your skin will be smooth, soft and look gorgeous! Just add a small amount of light moisturiser and rub in gently.
Finished? Now go take a look in the mirror!

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