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Saturday, April 27, 2019

How a Man Can Become Irresistible to Women With 10 New Looks and Personality Traits

No cosmetics or fashion can hide your true inner personality but any man can easily learn these 10 skills, previously perhaps overlooked, yet so simple to learn and easy to implement to make you much more attractive to women. What are those 10 skills? Only a woman can tell you how we consider external looks and certain personality traits on the inside. But first, what do we, women, see when we first meet you?

First Impressions

What is the first-time impression you make? On first impression, only looks can count - we shall deal with your personality later. The first thing to do is to find out what you really look like to outsiders, to someone who has never met you before. Having taken that step back, you are able to select and evaluate certain areas of your appearance that could be improved. We are not talking about fashion or cosmetics here. The process of learning these 10 skills is a positive journey to better yourself in all aspects of your physical behavior and mental attitude. Incorporate them in your daily routine and lifestyle, later the 10 new skills will become automatic, natural, and will have improved your whole personality. To this end we must first turn to your self-observation skills.

Observation and Self Confidence

Take a few videos of yourself and observe. At the two extremes, the same person can look either like a worn out, depressed, "given-up-type" loser, or he can look happy, victorious, optimistic, strong and open to life's challenges. On what scale of 1 to 10 are you between those two choice margins of being fit and handsome or an unattractive slob? The good news is that you are in control of your body, your looks, and your self-image. Before you can find the confidence to change, it is necessary to identify the areas you are not happy about. This can be achieved through objective, self-observation. In short, if you don’t like a part of your looks or personality, then you can change that. Don't get me wrong, that's also the philosophy of plastic surgeon addicts. Please don't even go there! Here we are improving the body via pure, sensible and naturally performed daily movement habits. Simple!

What Is Attractive to a Woman?

With a well-defined jaw line, wide shoulders, tanned skin, and an irresistible strong neck that women like to kiss, any man who goes to the gym can soon look like a male poster model. But is that really what women want? Most poster models are gay anyway. Men seem to keep their best specimen to themselves. No, an acceptable transformation worthy of a woman's love is more than just a six pack. How do you stand, how do you move? What does your voice sound like? Are you funny? Do you care? Have you got guts, courage? Are you going to be a good dad? The following 10 skills will help you get closer to being her charming prince. The first 6 skills deal with your looks, the remainder with your character. Happy skilling!

2. Style of Moving

People go to the gym to gain muscle and lose weight, but how do they move? Are you a good mover? Or are you ungraceful and clumsy? Again, moving well can be learned from a basic understanding of
  • gravity
  • planes of motion
  • breathing
  • flow
  • anticipation and reaction
  • timing
and many other factors that determine your style of moving. Observe your daily movement habits. Which are the most pleasant, which are the most uncomfortable?
Perhaps when you stretch on waking up? When you run? Or having sex? Which movements most displease you? Driving? Climbing stairs? Sitting at the computer for hours? Examine your daily movement patterns and eliminate (if possible) or replace the nasty ones with better moves. Go dancing. Copy moves from others that you like. Imagine you are Brad Pit walking down the street and you will become him (to a certain extent). Learn to move adroitly, smoothly, economically, and gracefully (least effort for greatest output). Study the true meaning of body language and the overwhelming importance of facial expression.

3. Facial Fitness and Expression

Everyone makes faces at themselves in the mirror but that image you see of yourself is too familiar. Your mirror image is the opposite of how others see you. We are so used to seeing our face in the mirror that we do not notice its slowly acquired lack of symmetry. In all things beautiful and healthy, symmetry and balance are critical assets. How to correct symmetry?
Use two mirrors at 90 degrees to each other, or even easier, use a 3 way mirror to see the real you as seen by others. Or take a video recording of your face in action. Is one eye smaller, one eyebrow higher, a mouth corner drooped?
Now that you have identified those imbalances in your face you can begin re-training them back into place with targeted facial exercises to regain facial tone and symmetry in the face. What does your handsome face say when it speaks? How is the tone and mood of your voice? As the French saying goes, C'est Le ton qui fait la musique! (It's the tune that makes the music!)

4. Tone of Voice

A main distinction between men and women is in the voice. There is nothing more pleasant and re-assuring for a woman than to listen to her loved one’s voice gently whispering kind words into her ear. When at the negotiating table, a man’s voice can be firm and decisive, yet courteous and generous, open for comments. Test your voice by recording it and find out what you like or don’t like about it, then correct it to your liking. Sing in the car to work, or at any other permissible opportunity. Changing habits is easier and more fun than you think. Before long your voice will be much more to your liking.

5. Hair Style - Please Don’t Shave Your Head

What is hair for? We grow hair to protect the body against the cold. It’s as simple as that. A cat left outside in the winter cold grows thicker fur to keep him warm. Like a plant, hair needs light and air to grow.
Or put it another way, if you cover your head with a hat or a cap all the time, your body thinks it doesn’t need to grow any hair. So when a hat takes over the function of hair (to protect your skull), hair growth becomes redundant and ceases to operate. Bald men have inherited centuries of hat-wearing and are losing their hair. Is hair on male heads becoming a rarity? Is human male head hair soon going to be extinct?

Receding Hairline over 2 Generations

Genetic resemblance of a grand-father and grandson at the same age. Observe Tomi's further receding hairline.
Genetic resemblance of a grand-father and grandson at the same age. Observe Tomi's further receding hairline. | Source
The two pictures above show Occi and his grandsonTomi at around the same age. Look at Tomi's further receding hairline. Please, boys, don’t shave your heads. Shaving your head eliminates one of your potentially most attractive features. Keep your hair on as women love to gently stroke it with their fingers when they love you.
What about Beards?
Having to shave may be man's sacrifice for not having periods. While some well-groomed beards may enhance the shape of a double-chinned jawline, a smooth face is more attractive to most women. Plus, groomed beards take longer to maintain than to simply shave. A well groomed beard may be taken as a sign of vanity, but if you insist, watch the next video.

6. Beautiful Eyes

For eyes to look good, they must also function well. The Bates method Better Eyesight Without Glasses, offers easy to do eye exercises to prevent visual impairment in the future and to widen and sharpen your eyes. Your eyes can become friendly, focused, clear and bright, all by training them to be most efficient and expressive. Check out the link under "Sources" on how to learn eye exercises.


Now that you are better equipped to become physically attractive, find out which character traits will make your personality match your looks. There are four more skills to learn.

7. Empathy

Do you like animals, nature, life, children? Do you care about anything else but your looks? Can you put yourself into someone else’s shoes? Gallantry, empathy and helpfulness, as part of your body language and general demeanour, can go a long way towards making you a more attractive man. Always pre-emptive and aware of what the person you are with is trying to do and give a helping hand before they have to ask is a great asset t have and repays itself in many ways.

8. Courage

Are you willing to take risks? Would you go out of your way to help an old lady across the road? Would you dive into the river to save someone from drowning? Do you have the courage to defend your point of view, even if it is politically or socially considered “incorrect”? Sports like surfing or rock climbing demand courage. With fun-to-use fitness equipment like a gravity inversion table or a yoga swing, you can train to be more courageous. Once your are confident to take risks with safety, your entire character will loosen up and become more daring.

9. Curiosity and Intelligence

Are you open to new ideas? Many couples grow apart because one partner has decided to stop growing mentally. Never stop questioning the myths and dogmas put into place by history and by mainstream media.
Learning new things every day keeps you young and alert. For example, try a new way of playing Sudoku with colors instead of numbers to feed your curious hungry brain with new puzzles to solve. Use it or lose it.

10. Honesty and Humility

And lastly, be honest and humble. Don't tell lies as they will only draw you, and those you lie to, deeper into confusion. Be humble, admit the errors of your ways by being the best that you can become every day. Please don’t be a control freak! Women too have a brain to think for themselves, and feelings in their hearts. Be open to their views. Strive for perfection, recognizing that you will never be the best in the world and be happy with your lifelong progress.

A Liar Will Always Be Found Out

Lying is a road towards self confusion and losing reality.
Lying is a road towards self confusion and losing reality. | Source

To Sum Up

With external issues like
1. posture and body language
2. style of moving
3, facial fitness and expression
4. tone of voice
5. good hairstyle
6. beautiful eyes

Plus the personality traits of
7. empathy
8. courage
9. curiosity and intelligence
10. honesty and humility to top it all,
you have ten 10 skills to improve your looks and personality forever. Training towards perfection in all areas of your being improves your performance. Even if perfection is, as we all know, never attained, it is the process that counts. As soon as you start on your journey to self-improvement, the rewards of your diligent efforts will immediately become visible in your appearance, your behavior, your karma, and, most importantly, your health and happiness.
PS: You may have noticed, there is not a word said on cosmetics or fashion in “10 Looks and Personality Traits that Make a Man Attractive to Women”. Cosmetics and fashion fads don't make a man. Just eat healthy food for good skin and dress clean and comfortable, suited to your mood and the occasion.
Good luck, put your questions and share your progress in the comments to learn from many other guys who are in the same boat, trying to be more attractive to the opposite sex.

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