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Thursday, May 2, 2019

Top Vitamin C Serum Benefits for the Face

On this Hub

1. 9 Vitamin C Serum Benefits for the Skin
2. Does Vitamin C Lighten Skin?
3. Does Vitamin C Serum Help Acne?
4. Easy DIY Vitamin C Serum
5. Home Recipe Vitamin C Mask
6. Homemade vitamin C Facial Mask for Pigmentation
7. Homemade Vitamin C Cream for Face
8. Homemade Vitamin C Toner
9. Conclusion
10. Related Videos
11. Related Vitamin C Products

9 Vitamin C Serum Benefits for the Face

Vitamin C does a lot for the body and the skin. On the body this vitamin helps to boost the immune system, guards from colds, increases the absorption of iron, helps with wound healing, protects from cardiovascular diseases, cataracts and even cancer.
Clinical studies have shown that topical vitamin C has multiple benefits for the skin. Serums, specially, are the preferred choice of many skin experts because they contain smaller molecules than skin care creams and are able to penetrate deeper into the skin, delivering all their benefits.
According to the "Indian Dermatology Online Journal" the benefits of topical vitamin c serum are proportional to its concentration, but only up to 20%. It is also stated in this journal that we should be applying vitamin C serum after being exposed to sunlight and not before.
So, what are the benefits of using vitamin C serum on the face and neck?
1- Vitamin C has antioxidant power which means that it counteracts free radical action, protecting the cells from damage produced by oxidation.
2- Vitamin C serum has anti aging benefits and will help diminish and delay wrinkles and fine lines.
3- Vitamin C is essential for the formation of collagen, so applying a vitamin C serum in young and aged skin will boost collagen production, providing firmer and younger skin.
4- Improves the skin's elasticity, texture and tone.
5- Reduces pore size.
6- Reverses damage caused by the sun.
7- Lightens dark spots.
8- Decreases skin redness
9- Reduces skin pigmentation.

Does Vitamin C Lighten Skin?

Vitamin C is a depigmenting agent which means that is able to effectively block the formation of melanin in the skin during sun exposure. It seems to have a mild lightening effect, but if you are looking to withen the skin a few shades vitamin C alone won't be enough. Vitamin C will brighten and reduce pigmentation and sun spots but is not really a bleaching agent.
If you are looking for the best ingredients to lighten the skin you could try arbutin, kojic acid or azelaic acid.
Is vitamin C serum good for acne?
Is vitamin C serum good for acne?

Does Vitamin C Serum Help Acne?

Vitamin C serum is good for acne prone skin because it has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to speed up wound healing. It also helps to reduce other acne related problems such as skin redness grease, pimples and blackheads.
Just use a small amount of serum, few drops, every day and give it time to work.
According to the AAD, skin expert Dr Leslie Baumann, advises to avoid skin care products containing vitamin C for skin conditions such as acne and rosacea if your skin belongs to the sensitive type.
If acne is your problem discover how lasers can help you and the best home devices to treat this skin condition.

How to Make Vitamin C Serum

Simple Homemade Recipes Using Vitamin C

Note- Don't be tempted to add too much vitamin C to your homemade recipes because being an acid it can irritate the skin.

Easy DIY Vitamin C Serum Recipe

You will need:
  • 1 teaspoon aloe vera
  • 1 teaspoon rose water
  • 1/2 teaspoon vitamin C powder
First, place the aloe vera gel in a bowl and the rose water in another one. Next, add the vitamin C to the rose water and mix very well until the vitamin C is dissolved completely. It takes a bit of time for the vitamin C to be dissolved, just keep stirring until is done. Now, add this mixture to the bowl with aloe vera gel and keep stirring until is completely mixed.
Because vitamin C is easily oxidized by air, light and heat is better to elaborate just a small quantity of serum and keep it inside a dark glass bottle. I keep mine in a small dark glass bottle with dropper and use only a few drops in the mornings. Keep it on the refrigerator for no longer than 7 days. Always use sunscreen.

A Different Point of View from a Dermatologist

If you don't have time to make your own vitamin C serum have a look at Oz naturals serum. With 20% vitamin C content and many other anti aging ingredients this top rated serum is a dream come true for the skin.

Home Recipe Vitamin C Mask

You will need:
  • 1/2 teaspoon vitamin c powder (L-Ascorbic Acid)
  • 2 tbsp green clay
  • Mineral water or rose water
Mix the green clay with either mineral water or rose water and make a smooth paste. Then dissolve the vitamin C powder in water and add to the clay paste. Mix the ingredients well and apply over the face for about 20 minutes. For best results use this facial mask twice weekly.
This facial mask is effective to improve the skin's texture, adding luminosity to the skin and achieving a clearer and radiant complexion.
TIP- Get rid of dead cells and achieve a glowing complexion by exfoliating the skin with aspirin and vitamin C. Buy soluble vitamin C aspirin and mix it with a bit of water. Gently rub it onto the skin for about 2 minutes. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Homemade Vitamin C Facial Mask for Pigmentation

You will need:
  • 1/2 vitamin C tablet
  • 2 aspirins
  • 1/2 tbsp baking soda
  • 2 tbsp water
Dissolve the aspirins in the water. Crush the vitamin C tablet until it becomes powder and mix it with the aspirins. Add the baking powder. Mix very well and apply to the pigmented areas with a cotton pad. Use at night and wear sunscreen the next morning.

Homemade Vitamin C Cream for Face

You will need:
  • One teaspoon Shea butter
  • 1 Pure vitamin C tablet or capsule
  • 2 teaspoons rosewater
The quantities here are small for just one or two uses. This is because vitamin C is easily oxidized reducing its efficacy. You could, however, increase the quantities but make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Is better to start using small quantities and let the skin adjust gradually. keep it for 5 or 7 days. Store in a dark glass inside the fridge.
Crush the vitamin c tablet, add it to the Shea butter and mix well. Now, add the rosewater and mix again. Apply over the skin with a gentle massage until is absorbed. For best results use at night, before bedtime.
TIP- Get an instant cream with vitamin c by opening a vitamin C capsule and adding its content to your usual daily moisturizer. Alternatively mix the vitamin c powder with few drops of argan oil before adding it to the moisturizer.
If you are too busy to make your own recipes you can improve your skin with Lumene vitamin C. Is an affordable product with great reviews.

Homemade Vitamin C Toner

You will need:
  • 1/2 spoon vitamin C powder
  • Distilled water or rose water
Dissolve the vitamin c in a bit of distilled water or rosewater. Once is well dissolved add more water and mix well. Transfer to a dark glass bottle and keep inside the refrigerator. Discard after 5 days. Apply with cotton after removing your make up. Don't forget to shake well before each use.
Tip - For great antioxidant power make a variation of this toner by using green tea instead of distilled or rose water.

About Vitamin C Serum for Skin

Skin experts agree that vitamin C and retinol are among the best skin care ingredients for the skin. Incorporating vitamin C and retinol products to one's skin care routine is essential to prevent and reduce wrinkles and to improve the skin's appearance.
If you decide to make your own vitamin c serum for the skin please make sure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients and consult a dermatologist if you are in any doubt.
If you decide to buy vitamin c products make sure that they incorporate a high percentage of vitamin c and whenever possible buy pure or organic.

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