google-site-verification: google4967ec131b2b1bee.html Dress as u want !: Your LEVI'S Jeans Return Warranty

Monday, April 22, 2019

Your LEVI'S Jeans Return Warranty

The one and only,... the american original,... LEVI'S,... and they are warrantied!

does the stack of jeans in your closet look like this?
does the stack of jeans in your closet look like this?
has that treasured pair of comfy jeans gone from "broke-in" to just plain broke?
has that treasured pair of comfy jeans gone from "broke-in" to just plain broke?

so your favorite LEVI'S are ragged out,... no worries!

we all have them, that favorite pair of LEVIS, mine are the 501's that fit soo darn good i can fool myself into thinking i look good in them.
but it happens, the first hole, the weak spot, the tear, the rip at the seam,.. but you wear them anyway, looking like your re-living the 80's or embracing the 90's grunge movement,... either way its still the 21st century and theres more of you haning out of the holes in your jeans than you'd like so a descision has to be made,....
but wait!,.... theres a magic talisman directly above your right butt cheek!
this is the magic talisman that will save your wallet and your denim covered backside!
this is the magic talisman that will save your wallet and your denim covered backside!

the LEVI'S warranty

it's a poorly kept secret that LEVI'S warranties their jeans against deffects in materials and/or workmanship. what this means is that if your jeans wear out or fail before they should you may well qualify to get them replaced compleetely free of charge,... and free is a good thing!
i carefully redacted my personal info,... but to prove i'm a good sport, i did leave you my jeans size.
i carefully redacted my personal info,... but to prove i'm a good sport, i did leave you my jeans size.
the shipping label comes up as a PDF and prints quick and easily
the shipping label comes up as a PDF and prints quick and easily

step one,... the magic number,.... phone number that is,...

you could google and surf the web, cruise the web sites, but why? i'm going to give you the magic number right here,...
when you call this toll free number you may be on hold for a bit but persevere, its worth it. when you are connected, just tell the rep that you would like to "have defective jeans replaced" and they will guide you through the process.
you will be asked for your name, address, phone#, and email address.
you will be sent instructions as to how to pack and return your defective jeans, limit 3 at one time, and you will be able to mail them to the company free of charge using the included shipping label.
you may receive this printed material at home via old school snail mail, or, like me, you may receive all of this via email so you may print it all at home.
the instructions in the email are clear and easy. fill in the needed info and include the printed email with your jeans. when your package arrives at LEVIS the jeans will be judged by LEVI'S inspectors as to weather they failed through poor workmanship or materials, or, if they meerlt wore out after standard wear and tear. if they are found to be faulty, they will be replaced free of charge. you even have the option of having your old jeans returned to you should they be deemed without fault, but simply worn out.
i included a picture of the printed email here, with my personal info redacted. but i'm a good sport, i left my jeans size listed.
the post paid mailing label prints easily and you can tape it to the outside of your box.
in 4-6 weeks you will receive a new box in the mail containing your replacement jeans or your old jeans if you indicated you wanted them back.
nothing but the best for this butt!
nothing but the best for this butt!

a word of caution,... not all LEVI'S are equal

the LEVI'S signiture brand marketed by many large department stores are not covered by this warranty,.... only the jeans bearing the LEVI'S label you see here are covered by this warranty.
the signiture series are a less costly pair of jeans, but they are not covered by this great warranty that allows you to buy one pair of genuine LEVI'S and wear them for life in some cases.
i also find that the signiture series LEVI'S are just NOT THE SAME,.... no other way to say it.

another denim crisis averted!

i hope this helps all the LEVI'S loving denim freeks of the world.
its a great way to stretch a dollar and keep your hide covered in the most american way possible!
good luck!
there doesnt seem to be a "got bigger" category! ha!
there doesnt seem to be a "got bigger" category! ha!

personal funny oops!

the last time i returned jeans to LEVI's for warranty replacement, i foolishly requested the same size as i sent them. of course, when they arrived, they did NOT fit my butt,... no matter how hard i tried or held my breath,... this was just NOT the look i wanted to sport in public. in truth, it wasn't a good look in front of the mirror in private either! ha!
one quick phone call to the company at the # noted above, and all was solved. they sent me a confirmation email, and i shipped them back to the company with the supplied label for replacement with the proper size. this time around, i had to pay the shipping since the mistake was mine, but the customer service rep on the phone was wonderful and got just as big a laugh out of it as i did. 2-3 weeks later,... new jeans,... that fit!

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