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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Do women like body hair on men? Practical body hair advice for guys

Do women like body hair on men? Whether it is chest hair, facial hair, pubic hair, back hair, shoulder hair or the hair on your butt, let's stay away from vague answers and zero down to a Yes or a No on the questions you may have about how girls perceive and feel about body hair on guys. Isn't it high time we stopped beating around the bush, pun intended!
Attention men: From head to toe, find answers to all body hair related questions here.
Attention men: From head to toe, find answers to all body hair related questions here.
Whether you want to go bald or carry long locks like Elvis Presley, just make sure that you look cool.
Whether you want to go bald or carry long locks like Elvis Presley, just make sure that you look cool.
1) What do women think about hairstyles?
Guys, honestly, the hair on your head is the least of your worries when it comes to body hair. If you have a nice and fashionable hairstyle or even if you go bald and it suits you, you really have nothing to worry about. Women will not mind if you have long hair or cropped hair as long as you look good in whatever hairstyle you carry.
Answer: Hairstyles don't really matter as long as they look good.
Should you have a beard or not? That's entirely your call. Just make sure that it suits your personality and the overall look that you want to carry.
Should you have a beard or not? That's entirely your call. Just make sure that it suits your personality and the overall look that you want to carry.
2) Should you have a beard? What do women think about facial hair?
The debate about whether facial hair is attractive or not has been going on for centuries and it probably will go on and on and on. Think about facial hair as the personality that you are going to project. So if having a beard comes in the scheme of things of the look that you want to carry, by all means, go for it. If a cleanly shaven look suits well on you, then shave your beard away. It's like asking a woman "Who looks sexier in the movie Troy, Eric Bana with his beard or the cleanly shaven Orlando Bloom?" The bottom line is that everything boils down to personality when it comes to facial hair.
Answer: It matters but as long as facial hair suits your personality, it's fine.
Leave those clean and smooth underarms for women. Underarm hair is considered manly but make sure yours is trimmed and thinned.
Leave those clean and smooth underarms for women. Underarm hair is considered manly but make sure yours is trimmed and thinned.
3) Should men have armpit hair?
Do you have a small bush in your armpits? Don't be surprised if your girl gives a disgusting look and bolts out of the bed and gets you a trimmer. On the other hand, your girl may not like a cleanly shaven armpit either. Confused? Let's elaborate. While underarm hair just sounds wrong, women generally understand, believe and accept that men are not supposed to have silky smooth underarms. It is the concept of being manly that comes into play here. A man is generally not expected to carry a silky smooth armpit. So thin and trim your armpit hair to a short length.
Answer: Trim and thin your underarm hair to a short length.

Unless your job or occupation requires you to have no hair on your arms, have some. It looks and feels natural.
Unless your job or occupation requires you to have no hair on your arms, have some. It looks and feels natural.
4) Are hair on a man's arms a good sight?
It is absolutely okay to have hair on your arms. In fact, a man's arms are not always supposed to be silky smooth. Unless you are a pro body builder or a model/actor who requires his arms to be super clean all the time, it is generally good to have some hair on the arm.
Answer: Yes. It feels natural.
Who better to vouch for the fact that women like chest hair on men than Hugh Jackman himself? Are we taking notes here, guys?
Who better to vouch for the fact that women like chest hair on men than Hugh Jackman himself? Are we taking notes here, guys?
5) Do women like chest hair on men?
If you shave your chest, you are only going to end up hurting your woman in bed with the coarse stubble that re-grows only in a few days. While a waxed chest may make a woman drool or may look amazingly sexy in a poster or in a movie, it is hard to replicate that kind of appeal in real life. To play it safe, trim your chest hair and thin it so that your woman can run her fingers through it without feeling like going through a bush. The most important thing to remember while trimming chest hair is the Tiger Line. Gentlemen, if you didn't know already, the Tiger Line is the line of hair which goes from your chest down to your midriff and down below. Princesswithapen has done an entire segment on just Chest Hair.
Answer: Yes, women like chest hair but strictly in moderation. Chest hair is generally considered manly.

Back hair is generally considered not-so-sexy
Back hair is generally considered not-so-sexy
6) Do women like shoulder and back hair on men?
Body grooming trends and general thinking points to just one answer when it comes to shoulder and back hair – No. Now don't ask why your girlfriend won't like running her fingers through the hair on your back, especially when she likes doing that on your chest. She just doesn't.
Answer: No.
Don't surprise your woman - Trim your pubic hair
Don't surprise your woman - Trim your pubic hair
7) What are women's thoughts about pubic hair on men?
Just like you will probably not like to go through a gigantic bush to search for your woman's privates, she too will not be a fan of the same. If you are expecting your woman to indulge into any sort of oral you-know-what, make sure that you keep your pubic hair trimmed, short and clutter free. And while you are doing it, make sure you trim all the hair in your groin area.
Answer: No. Trim your pubic hair nice and short.

Unless you are going to be parading around naked, don't fret over hair on the butt.
Unless you are going to be parading around naked, don't fret over hair on the butt.
8) Is hair on a man's butt a welcome sight for women?
The most important point to remember is that you will impress a girl on a date with your manners, good looks and chivalry. The hair on your bum is the last thing going through her mind while she is having a romantic meal and sharing a nice glass of wine with you. Having said that, it is also important to know that hair on the bum is not a turn on for women. It is a generally accepted idea to not have too much of visible butt hair. Hold on though, don't start fretting yet. Girls understand that you may not be able to do a grooming session on your behind often nor is it the most manly of things to do. If you want to be playful in bed, surprise your woman by getting rid of it all only once in a while.
Answer: No. But don't fret over it.

Stay away from extremes - either too cropped/waxed or too furry - when it comes to hair on the legs. All you need to do is trim.
Stay away from extremes - either too cropped/waxed or too furry - when it comes to hair on the legs. All you need to do is trim.
9) Do women like hair on a man's legs?
Your girl may not like to look at your legs if you have a carpet of hair wrapped around them. Legs are probably the easiest body part when it comes to dealing with body hair because all you have to do is trim them to a length at which they don't look too short and pointy, or too long and furry.
Answer: Women don't mind hair on legs. But make sure you trim.

Point to remember
Maintain a balance when it comes to length of the hair while you trim your body hair. For example if you have chest hair but decide to wax off the hair on your legs or vice versa, well, it's just going to look weird and funny.

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